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DomusAurea Collaborator, H. Peik Larsen


Each season, DomusAurea works with a contemporary visual artist. The current collection is displayed with the work of painter, Peik Larsen.


The iconography of elements such as tree or water remain as important as the qualities of space, light and energy. The transparencies enable the necessary shift between figurative and abstract narrative


Past Collaborators



Judith Larsen’s work incorporates the figure as an empty vessel which is infused with a series of images from the history of Art and Science. The images reference various cultural and biological patterning along with diagrams by visionaries attempting to understand the nature of our humanity. As the figure and imagery merge, the body begins to shed its epidermal shield and inhabit its own metaphors.



Capturing abstraction in nature, both physical and atmospheric, is the essence of Tess Atkinson’s work. She presents moments when the natural world appears changed, distilled down to color, form and light. Tess’s Flora Series is her longest running series. Through this work she shows particular instants when nature takes on a subtle abstraction. The subjects are fragile and temporary, yet they are captured in timeless stages. Tess aims for the form to be singular and perhaps look different than in reality. Trees are forever changing and desperately fragile. She reveals nature not solely for its beauty, but also for this transient quality, drawing attention to this fragility and need for preservation.  

Her work is in private collections in Great Britain and the U.S.