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Event Calendar

Vicki Ambery-Smith @ Childs Gallery for Save Venice.
6:00 PM18:00

Vicki Ambery-Smith @ Childs Gallery for Save Venice.

A DomusAurea exhibit of  jewelry by Vicki Ambery-Smith to benefit Save Venice Boston
May 7th  6-8 PM at Childs Gallery 169 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
Please RSVP by clicking below

For nearly 30 years, Vicki Ambery-Smith has used architecture as an inspiration for her work. Her name has become synonymous with finely wrought precious metal jewelry, boxes, and condiment sets whose inspiration lies in Renaissance, Palladian, and classical architectural precedents. Ambery-Smith's work is represented in the permanent collection at the Victoria & Albert Museum among others, and in private collections in Europe, the United States, and around the world. You can view her work here.

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Hughes-Bosca Presentation at the MFA
5:30 PM17:30

Hughes-Bosca Presentation at the MFA

Discover the beauty and artistry of works inspired by everyday life by two DomusAurea jewelers. Learn how ordinary objects can spark design inspiration, from a rusted steel bolt from a walk in the woods to a flea-market find in Istanbul. Visitors can observe the stringing of pearls, stone setting, and other jewelry techniques. Afterward, visit “Boston Made: Arts and Crafts Jewelry and Metalwork,” highlighting the remarkable contributions of local jewelers and metalsmiths.

Mary Hughes and Caro-Gray Bosca have been collaborating on innovative design for 21 years. Both have degrees in art, and Hughes has taught at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts. They have exhibited their work at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the Peabody Essex Museum, and the Fuller Craft Museum.

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