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DomusAurea Jewelry Box

Emerald, Tanzanite and Pearl Necklace (Scrives)


Emerald, Tanzanite and Pearl Necklace (Scrives)


This bright necklace by Scrives is composed of nine combinations of gemstones and pearls. Each combination is a different mix of emeralds, tanzanites and pearls. All beads and pearls are different. They are included along a 20K gold chain that has been assembled by hand. In total, this necklace contains: - 10.95 cts of emeralds for 13 beads - 10.71 cts of tanzanite for 14 beads - 4.28 cts of pearl for 18 pears The stones can exhibit natural and typical inclusions. Size: necklace 72cm Weight: 9.196gr The necklace shows the French guaranty stamp and Scrives stamps

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