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Love Rings Set (Dale Hernsdorf)

DomusAurea Jewelry Box

Love Rings Set (Dale Hernsdorf)


Love Rings Set (Dale Hernsdorf)


The Love Rings set has been specially designed and crafted in partnership with the non-profit organization A Place Called Home. 10% of the Love Ring sales will go toward empowering underprivileged youth in Los Angeles through access to education, arts and well-being 

These eternity rings are each set with an odd number of diamonds, ranging from five to thirteen, and a single, secret ruby - the stone of love, energy, passion and power - on the inside of the ring, to rest against the skin. These rings are sold as a set and are wonderful in a stack together, mixed with other rings as a celebration or anniversary memento, or worn singly as a wedding band. 

• flush-set diamonds numbering 5 1.03ctw), 7 1.04ctw), 9 (.05ctw), 11 0.06ctw) or 13 1.07 ctw) 

• single flush-set ruby inside each band 

• satin-finished 18k yellow gold 

• rings size 6.5 

Rings can be custom ordered in any size and sold individually upon special request

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